Blansko Museum: the online booking system does not have to be complicated. Internet booking is easy for everyone

Milena Krčková
Jul 2, 2018
3 min read
Muzeum blanenska
Do you offer a service that targets different age groups? If you are now considering introducing an online booking system, you may be hesitant about whether less computer-literate customers can handle booking online. We have good news for you. With Reservio, it's easy!
As one marketing maxim goes, no service is for everyone. But what if your service is so all-encompassing that it's almost for everyone? Is it appropriate to use an online booking system in this case as well? The answer is yes!

To the Museum for the exhibition and the wedding

A good example is the Blansko Museum, located in the premises of the Renaissance castle, which offers several permanent expositions and exhibitions. In addition to these, it regularly prepares one-off events for children and adults or offers the rental of historical rooms for wedding ceremonies and other festive events. Their clientele consists of teachers with primary and secondary school pupils on the one hand, and on the other hand, for example, tours of retirement homes for the elderly.
Therefore, when choosing an online booking system, it was necessary to choose one that would meet the requirements of all groups and would be simple enough that none of the above-mentioned people would have a problem with its operation. That is why the choice fell on Reservio.
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"Our customers represent a wide range of all groups, varying in age and computer literacy. We try to accommodate them and provide them with different forms of communication. Online reservations are one of the easiest and most understandable ways for Internet users to book a tour with us," explains Tereza Chalupová, who explains the principle of reservations at the Blansko Museum.
"The advantage is their simplicity. A visitor to our website can simply click through to the booking, and even if they have no experience with the booking system, they are intuitively able to work with Reservio and book a tour," adds Tereza Chalupová to the advantages of the Reservio online booking system.
In addition to simplicity, the system offers a clear list of already made reservations or the possibility to contact the client in advance and remind him that his appointment is coming up. In addition, up to forty bookings per month are completely free of charge.

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