Jan Hovad, Coach and Mentor: I save an incredible amount of time when I'm working with clients

Milena Krčková
Apr 12, 2018
1 min read
Jan Hovad
Entrepreneurs and tradesmen who use online booking systems to save dozens of minutes of work can be found on every corner. If you're also thinking of slamming down the diary once and for all, throwing away the pen and switching to online booking, read the stories of our customers who have been helped by Reservio to change their business for the better.

Honza's story doesn't start happily at all. He once collapsed - due to workload - and had to start all over again. For three years he closed himself off from the world, far from civilization. He devoted himself to himself and self-education, learned to meditate, mastered the method of effective learning, stress management techniques or adopting positive habits and getting rid of negative ones. Now he uses the methods and techniques in his projects and teaches others to use them as well.

Revolution in self-education

On his site, for example, he offers to teach you a foreign language in three months just as he has taught it to thousands of students. It teaches you how to do your work for the week in just a few hours and how to approach work in a different way. How? Through metalearning, metaworking, biohacking or mindfullness. Too many foreign words at once? On Honza's website you can read what they mean and what they bring to clients.

Doesn't Honza look like someone who needs an online booking system? On the contrary! Many clients book initial consultations with him to discuss whether and how he can help them. On his website, he offers these consultations - including booking, cancelling or rebooking - completely free of charge. All thanks to an online booking system. While he is fully engaged with his clients during the session, he doesn't let anything distract him.
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"My booking system is linked to my Google calendar, which is exactly what I need. It saves me an incredible amount of time. Thanks to Reservio, I'm doing what I really enjoy. Helping people," says Jan Hovad.

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